Our clients safety and security is our priority.
- Locks 4 Vans
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- November 14, 2018
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Vehicle crime is higher year on year, its important to protect your assets. This can be done by adding alarm upgrades,tracking systems, Security Locks, OBD Protectors all commercial vehicles are at risk and are easy targeted.
Lyndon,s are one of the leading suppliers and installers for all of the best security systems on the market. Our experience within this field allows us to personalise vehicle security to suit your trade.
To ensure that our kits are the most appropriate for the specific application, we use a wide range of lock cases, cylinders and ancillary components.
Dead Locks
A Deadlock is a mechanical device fitted to a vehicle door. It operates by throwing a bolt into a receiver fitted to the opposing body section when operated by an external key.
As Deadlocks are under the control of the driver, they are generally only appropriate for owner drivers or applications where the driver can be relied upon to operate the lock.
All cylinders, housings and plugs are plated in highly durable satin nickel to maintain a consistent and long lasting appearance. External trims are available as either UV stabilised black Nylon, or satin nickel-plated brass to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the vehicle. Both versions are suitable for fitment to vehicle bodywork without causing damage to paintwork. Note Black external trims supplied as standard.
To ensure that our kits are the most appropriate for the specific application, we use a wide range of lock cases, cylinders and ancillary components. They are all manufactured to European standards and our own exacting specifications. Our Deadlocks are available in both S Series and our Thatcham Accredited T Series, to suit both application and budget .
Slam Locks
A slamlock is a device that automatically locks the vehicle door immediately it is shut, without requiring any operation by the driver.
It is primarily designed for applications such as multi drop delivery, high value loads and applications where the owner/ operator requires control over the security of their goods. It is the function that appeals as much as the security.
Another major advantage with mechanical slamlocks is total control. Electronic systems often have either global (all doors) or area (load or cab) unlocking- this leaves the unrequired doors vulnerable until the auto relock action operates. Slamlocks do not have this vulnerability.

accredited T Series
Slamlocks integrate with the vehicle manufacturers' locking systems. This provides Maximum Security along with straightforward installation. They combine a genuine Security Slam operation with a high visual deterrent and a pleasing appearance.
All Slamlock kits are designed with escape from locked load areas, via the manufacturers own internal exit mechanism in mind. This is an extremely important feature as it ensures compliance with Health & Safety at work and Corporate Manslaughter legislation.
Ultimate Courier Slamlock
Product Features and Benefits:
ULTIMATE VISUAL DETERRENT - High Visual presence deters damaging and costly attacks
ALWAYS SECURE - Automatic locking impossible to see if unlocked
ATTACK RESISTANT - Robust “Pyramidal” profile has been designed to deflect hammer attacks. Special internal fixtures prevent lock from being torn out of door
SELF-LEVELLING CLOSURE - Unique design ensures that door will both lock and unlock should doors become misaligned *
NEVER DEFEATED - Installed to over 3,000 vehicles - never overcome
EASY TO USE - Locks automatically when door is closed. Easily unlocked via protected High Security lock located on front face of ULTIMATE. (No cut down keys or scratched paintwork)
LOCKING BOLT PROTECTION - HARDENED STEEL locking bolt is entirely enclosed and protected from tampering
O.E.M. APPROVED - Mercedes Italy approved
INTERNAL ESCAPE - An internal escape is provided to ensure compliance with Health & Safety requirements
* Within defined tolerances ** Unit interface required